Sign language is not simply using your hands in order to communicate. In fact, much more goes into the use of sign language, including body and facial expressions. Facial expressions are used to convey various meanings and context. From simple to complex, the range of meanings spans the full socio-emotional spectrum. The use of facial or bodily expression to deliver meaning is a long studied examination as it regards human language.

Typically facial or physical expression is thought of as a way to affirmatively deliver a message, facial expressions used during language, recruit a person's physical ability to deliver their message rather than rely on words alone. This means facial expressions follow the language used in order to give context and meaning. In sign language, facial expressions are used to express both linguistic information and emotions. For example: eyebrow furrowing or raising is used with “WH” words like what, why, or who. Similarly, signers use facial expressions to express their own emotions while quoting others.
When comparing the comprehension of facial expressions, hearing individuals tend to be more accurate, while deaf individuals are more confident in their understanding. For those who have exposure to both spoken language as well as sign language their confidence in, and ability to comprehend facial expressions is far greater than both of the previous groups mentioned. By using Sign Language at an early age your child has a greater chance at being more accurate in not only understanding others, but also utilizing facial expressions to deliver their message and emotions more effectively.