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We help you utilize Simple Signs to enhance and create meaningful relationships.
We teach you how to use Sign Language successfully to create a thriving, diverse and inclusive environment.


With Signing Communication, you can bridge the communication gap and unlock the power of sign language.

تؤمن دورات التوقيع أن لغة الإشارة يمكن أن تفيد الجميع. من الأطفال إلى الأطفال ذوي الإعاقة ، نعتقد أن لغة الإشارة هي هدية للتواصل. نحن نعلم الآباء ومقدمي الرعاية والمعلمين والمتخصصين في الرعاية الصحية كيفية استخدام لغة الإشارة جنبًا إلى جنب مع اللغة المنطوقة لتوفير وسيلة للتواصل التلقائي مع أطفالهم.  


"We hired Professor Jenny for an 8-week ASL Professional Development series for our staff. She was a joy to work with. We went from knowing nothing about the culture and our Deaf clients to forming meaningful relationships. Jenny does not just teach ASL, she teaches the culture and you can tell she is passionate about what she does. Professor Jenny is a C.O.D.A (child of Deaf adult) and she has been in the ASL Deaf World her entire life. We are impressed and will have her back again next year for our yearly workshop. "

Human Resources D.E.I , Mr. Anderson

On Sale Now

Download our homemade and customizable ASL Posters and Flashcards for your home or classroom today. Found on our brand new Etsy Store.


ترحيب   TO دورات التوقيع

قابل معلمة دوراتنا ، جيني ستيوارت! مع سنوات خبرتها العديدة ، ستوجهك خلال هذه الدورات ، وستكملها وأنت تشعر بالثقة في مهاراتك الجديدة!  

Unlocking the secrets of Deaf Culture and ASL


Our blog is a great place to find articles about ASL, Deaf Culture, and Signing Education. We also offer courses and tips for learning ASL. 

We believe in the power of knowledge to create understanding and to help bridge the gap between the Deaf and hearing communities. So if you're interested in learning more about ASL and deaf culture, read our blog posts here.





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